
Tuesday, 5 April 2011

DIY Monogram Decor

Monograms are everywhere nowadays. There are so many different kinds out there, that it is hard to pick one type. Sometimes though, you just can't find the exact one you imagined or want to fit with your space. Today, I will be showing you a super easy way to add a monogram to your home.  Isn't it nice?

A while back, I saw Deb Nelson, aka famous interior designer Deb Nelson do this project and I had to try it. When I say this project is easy to do, I mean easy, super easy.

I had some leftover tacks from a project and figured I need to use them for some project. And here it is:

What you will need:

- 1 or 2 inch foam board ( you can find this at most art supply stores )
- tacks ( you can find these at most hardware stores and upholstering stores)
- print out of your letters (you could also use one of the plastic stencil sheets, that you can find at Michaels)
- xacto knife

optional: frame, you could also frame this to give it a more finished and polished look.

You will need to print off the letters or numbers in the size that you want. Cut out the letter. I used the part with the letter or number cut out.

foam board

Position it where you want it on your board.

Start putting the tacks in until you fill the space.

Ta da!

Pretty easy right? And it won't hurt your bank account too much either.  You can make it fancier by adding a background colour (sheet of coloured paper) or more intricate tacks, or just keep it plain and bold. Cheers!


  1. what a great idea! Love Deb Nelson, she is a great frugal designer, always creating things that we ordinary folk can DIY!

  2. I think its so easy to do, but is so different and beautiful.


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