
Monday, 8 August 2011

Oops, I am doing it again!

Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. We had a very busy and exciting one. I will share some more details with you tomorrow. But now, let me tell you a little more of what I mean with oops, I am doing it again.

Oops, I am doing it again! After I finished my friend's guest room makeover (you can read more about it here) I knew I had to repaint our living room. My husband started saying how much he liked the pebble paint I decided on for the guest room and after we chatted a bit, we realized we wanted to paint our living room. (I'll be honest with you, I decided and he just went along with it. Love that guy.)

I don't know if you had a chance to check out Sarah Richardson's Paint Palette, but you should. She has selected some gorgeous paints and since I used that in my friend's guest room, I was very tempted to use the same ones.
So, what paint colors am I considering, you ask? Well, there are so many choices out there, but I have narrowed my choices to the following colors:

My hubby is quite artistic I would say, but he definitely does not care about all the nitty gritty small details that we ladies look at. So, after comparing the colors and debating, he left it up to me.  

And the winner is...Shoreline.

I am off to do some painting. Not so sure how it will turn out since the lighting leaves something to be desired. Can't wait to share some pictures with you soon. 

1 comment:

Thank you so much for your comments! You've made my day!