
Thursday, 29 September 2011

Some More Exciting News

A couple of days ago, Barbara over at hodge podge, shared my interview on her So Canadian, eh? series. It was such an honor to be featured on her site. She is such an amazing lady and I absolutely love her projects and ideas.

As a new blogger, I am still getting used to all the ins and outs of what a blog is about. One of the things that I enjoy checking out on my blog is all the people from cool places around the world who visit my blog. It is really really neat to see that. So, imagine my surprise when a little while ago, I saw that I had some visitors from Sweden and discovered a link. I clicked on it and saw my pictures. Oh my goodness!

Featured on: 

Here is a screen photo of the site, featuring my Ikea hack. I was completely in awe, when I saw this. I was thrilled and excited. I saw so many blogs and projects featured, but this time it was my blog and my project.

Even my baby made it on the site. My little munchkin. How cute is that? I really just added the picture to show that he really was interested by the shelf and, of course, the books.
One of my favorite blogs, is and after commenting for a while, I emailed Benita to ask her a couple of things. She was also so nice and sweet to translate a bit of the article. Here is what it says. Thank you so much Benita. My resolution for next year is to learn Swedish. I am quite excited. 

The spice rack gets turned into a small bookshelf for the kids. Last night as i put my youngest to bed we were choosing a bedtime story as usual. Our bookshelf is filled with beautiful, fun and great books but we usually end up reading the same ones over and over again. The ones at the bottom of the shelf get forgotten. I was looking at an empty spot on the wall and thought to myself that I should hang one of those great plate racks/bookshelves so one can see those forgotten books and switch them out from time to time.
And today I got a great tip on how to use the IKEA Bekväm spice rack for children's books. The rack is only 29 kronor so one can actually splurge and put a couple of them up next to each other without getting ruined. Here the shelf has been painted white. I think I'll get a couple of those spice racks on our next trip to IKEA. I think children's books are often like works of art on their own with their pretty covers.

Thank you so much for featuring my little bookshelf. I am very honoured and pleased that you chose to feature my pictures and my little blog. Tack. And thank you to all my readers and followers. I am very grateful for you and thank you so much for stopping by and leaving comments. 



  1. That's just cool - good for you!!

  2. Thanks Heather. It was a huge surprise and I was and still am completely speechless.

  3. hey, it's a good hack, I might try it!!

  4. Thanks for dropping by. You should give it a shot. It really is easy and my little munchkin loves to go and get his books. So cute.

  5. Congrats! That is super cool & well-deserved.

  6. Thanks Tanya. I wasn't expecting it, but it is very neat to see it on their site.

  7. Congrats! Too bad you can't read Swedish! Well deserved though:)


Thank you so much for your comments! You've made my day!