
Monday, 7 November 2011

TP Roundup

Good morning, everyone! I hope you had a nice weekend and got to enjoy a nice hot cup of cocoa. My munchkin and I are unfortunately sick, he is worst though and it breaks my heart to hear him cough. We are taking it easy now and watching fun cartoons. Whatever would we do without a tv?

Seeing that the weather is getting colder and I have a little boy running around our home, I have been researching teepees. Teepees are dear to children of so many ages and who wouldn't love to be playing and hiding in one. My memories of a teepee is of a blanket that we threw over a couple of chairs. Well, you could still do that or you can invest time or money or both into a more sophisticated teepee, like this one below.
Since I am on the lookout for one, I figured I would do a little teepee round-up for you. As always, since I am addicted to diy, I will start with the diy possibilities. I have come across a great teepee made by Rachel, from Smile and Wave. How awesome is this? I would love to hang out there. You can find all the instructions, here.

Another great diy tutorial is this one from Sew, Mama, Sew. So adorable. For full instructions, read more here

Here are a couple of teepees, that I have come across that you can buy already made. Aren't they so cute?

I am thinking of making one for my little guy for Christmas, but my sewing skills are really basic, so we'll have to see about that. Have a great week everyone!


  1. You could totally make one of those. I'd love to see how fabulous it would be. Hope you and the munchkin feel better soon. Pop by on Mon for a blog award!

  2. How adorable. I want a teepee for ME!

  3. Hi Carol,
    I am not too sure if I can make one. You have way more faith in me, than I do. Thank you so much for the blog award and for the get well wishes. Have a great week.

    Hi Kathryn,
    Aren't they cute? I wish I had one as well. Thanks for your comment.

  4. I had never even thought of making a teepee for my little one (she's six months old). But after this post I defiantly want to! Thanks for the inspiration!


Thank you so much for your comments! You've made my day!