
Thursday, 15 March 2012

How Do You Do It- Part 4

It is Thursday again and it is time for another How Do You Do It Series. Today I would like to welcome Heather from Inspire Me Heather. 

Heather has an amazing blog, where she links up tutorials, diy projects and home improvements projects. She has so many wonderful links and there is so much great information on her blog. 

Heather has recently started a fabulous series, called 'What I like about your blog". It starts on the first of every month and you sign your blog up on her site and two different bloggers will give you their thoughts and opinions about the blog. Make sure you check it out. 

And here we go. 

What does a regular day look like for you?

I get up at 3 am (without an alarm clock) for my blogging and computer time. I sit with my coffee and have time to myself before the family wakes up. After hubby goes to work and I get our son to Elementary School, I head off to work. Most of my work is done by contract so I'm able to work in school hours at the office and any extra work I can do at home. I pick our son up from school everyday and we do stuff together- swimming and soccer and just hanging around at home. He's great helping me get the household chores and the yard work done. Then it's dinner and family time until bedtime and yeah, I go to bed early.

When do schedule time to work on the blog and write blog posts?

I have lot's of posts in draft and update them while surfing around. I do all my blog posts in the morning (but think about them all day!) and on the weekends lately I've been fiddling with the html of it all.

How do you and your husband reconnect?

Date nights! I sure would like to have them more often too. Oh well, we're both busy and spend a lot of time with our son as a family - and I think that's more important than anything.

Is there anything that you would like to change about how things are now?

Nope, not at all! We have a fabulous life, we work hard and play hard too. We both have great jobs that are very flexible and close to home and we are both into fixing up our old house - we've always got a project ( or two) on the go. We're just about to tackle a huge home reno project and that's so very exciting!

Do you have special 'me' time and do you find it important?

Oh yes, very important! I just love my alone time in the morning - it's a great way to start the day! It doesn't interfere with anyone too (except the night thing - I'm no good at staying up late). My husband helps me out as well, just as I help him out so he can get the stuff that is important to him done too. Once in a while, I run away for an hour or two of retail therapy at the second-hand shops.

What are your best time saving tips?

I write everything down - I keep a list of "to do's" for around the house and when I get time, we get it done. I also meal plan and budget for the week, so I know what groceries to pick up and what errands to run. That and I don't let any of the housework get behind, I do a little every day so it's never so bad that I would be embarrassed if anyone dropped by.

What advice do you have for other mother out there, who are raising children, working, blogging and looking for that balance that is hard to achieve?

Wow yeah, balance. Hmmm. I guess it's being organized and having priorities. I get all my blogging time in while my family is sleeping and all my work and errand time in while our son is at school and then after school I belong to my home and family. Sometimes it's a juggle and sometimes it overlaps but I would make up for it eventually and everybody (like, my employers) know that. There will never be enough time in the day to get everything done and I don't worry about it. I believe that if you want it, you can get it. Above all, I will not ever regret anything like watching my kid grow up, you will never get that time back!

Thank you so much for this interview Heather! 

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  1. Loved getting to know the fabulous Heather a bit more. Uhm....3 AM??? wow - that is a true early bird.

  2. Thank you for having me - you are a fabulous interviewer!


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