
Sunday, 6 May 2012

Yummy Macarons

Hello and a very happy Sunday to you all! With Mother's Day a week away, I figured I would share a fantastic recipe I found, which you can whip up for your mother and I guarantee that she won't be disappointed.

I am so excited to share this little post with you, because I have been on the hunt for a great macaron recipe for a while now. Every time I tried to make them, it was a disaster and I got discouraged. However, one thing that you don't know about me is that I am pretty stubborn, which means that yet again I tried to make some. This time I did not fail and here is the yummy successful outcome.
French Chocolate Macarons

I found this recipe on David Lebovitz' site and was so excited. David Lebovitz is a fabulous pastry chef and author of several books, like The Great Book of Chocolate, The Sweet Life of Paris and several more. He moved from California to Paris, France to pursue his passion for pastry and write books about the most exciting thing, called chocolate.

You can find his recipe for the French Chocolate Macarons here. It is really easy to make and they came out wonderfully. Even my husband who is quite picky, loved them (his words deeelicious, yum!).

In my searches, I have come across another recipe for French Macarons, (I haven't tried this one), which you might find helpful. Tartelette is an amazing food blog, which I follow and always find something that I am adding to my to do list. The blog is written by Helene, who is a French expat living in the United States, who was a pastry chef and has written a book and photographed a few as well.

She has recipes for different variations of macarons, like grapefruit and anise, meyer lemon macarons, carrot cake macarons and blueberry sorbet macarons to name a few. This is definitely not helping my diet, but after today I am back on it. 

Doesn't that look delicious? What a wonderful little treat and a great Mother's Day gift for Mom!

Have a fabulous Sunday!
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1 comment:

  1. I have never attempt to make macaroons but that recipe looks delicious!


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