
Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Giveway Time

I think it is time for another giveaway. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and I never got around to posting this giveaway. I started my blog sometime in the spring, and didn't know I would enjoy it so much. So, to say thank you, I am having a giveaway. I love Tonic Living and all the different fabrics and pillows they have. Have you seen their latest addition of fabrics? Love them.
And to say thank you to everyone, I am offering a $50 gift card to Tonic Living to one of my lovely readers and followers.

How to enter the giveaway?

1. Become a follower of my blog and let me know. If you already are, just write a comment that you are.

2. You can tweet about the giveaway. @becadoblogspot.

For additional entries, you can:

3. You can follow me on twitter and let me know you are.

4. You can follow me on Pinterest. Who isn't addicted to Pinterest yet?

The contest is open until Sunday, October 30th at 11:59 PM EST. The winner will be chosen using and will be announced on Monday, October 31st.

Thank you again and good luck!

Psst: This contest has ended now and entries are no longer accepted. Thank you to everyone who entered. B


  1. I love this company...I have had an eye on one of their fabrics for drapes in my soon-to-be rec room! I am a follower!

  2. I love them too!

    since I won your very generous giveaway last time, I am not putting my name in the hat.

    They may offer free shipping on orders of $50 or more if shipping to a Canadian address - doesn't hurt to ask.

  3. Great giveaway! Who doesn't love Tonic Living?? :) I'm already a follower of your lovely little blog! :)

  4. YES! I love that store! And of course I follow!

  5. I've been interested in purchasing from Tonic Living for a while now, thanks to this blog! Glad I'm a follower :)

  6. Just became a follower of your blog. I love your blog and I love Tonic Living!

  7. Im a big fan of Tonic Living, and now your blog! Glad to have found it!! Now a follower :)

  8. also following you on Pinterest! Im on there as well :) LOVE IT!

  9. New follower - I love Tonic Living.

  10. Love the fabric at Tonic Living... Wow to win a $50,00 gift card... my mind is on overdrive. Thank you for the chance to win.
    Oh yes I tweeted about the give away and follow you on Twitter and Pinterest.

  11. Love Tonic Living, and I've just followed your blog!

  12. I am a follower here and on Pinterest!
    I love Tonic Living!

  13. Love your blog and the great DIY ideas. LOVE Tonic Living also!!

  14. Just became a follower of your blog and love what I see so far! I also love Tonic living .. currently talking with them to choose some drapes/romans for our kitchen, so this gift card would be amazine!

  15. Thanks for your blog and the contest! Good luck everyone.

  16. Yes! I am following your blog and I love Tonic Living!

  17. blog follower! And, thank you so much for the opportunity… I have my eye on some fabric at tonic living for our bedroom curtains.

    mcintosh dot kimberley at gmail dot com


    mcintosh dot kimberley at gmail dot com

  19. follow you on twitter @mcintoshkim
    mcintosh dot kimberley at gmail dot com

  20. I am a follower here and on Pinterest....oh Pinterest.

    I love the Tonic Living 1lb scrap pack - so fun!

  21. I'm waiting on a pinterest invitation :( But I'm addicted based on what I have seen posted on blogs and will follow as soon as the invite comes through!!! I love your 'pins' for the crayon letter artwork and the kids activity wall board - what great projects!

    mcintosh dot kimberley at gmail dot com

  22. I just became a follower. Thanks for the contest

  23. And I'm following on Pinterest as well. Love Pinterest...and Tonic Living!

  24. I'm a new follower to your blog, and I LOVE Tonic Living!

  25. I'm a new follower of yours on your blog and now on Pinterest. Great blog!

  26. Just became a follower of your blog. Tonic Living has amazing fabrics. I have something from them in almost every room in my house!

  27. Just signed on to follow. Oh and I LOVE TONIC LIVING!!!

  28. I added you to my Google Reader! Thanks for posting such an awesome giveaway! I'm also following you now on Twitter! Love Tonic Living!

  29. Just bookmarked your site! I'll be following you from now on. Found your link on the Tonic Living facebook page.


Thank you so much for your comments! You've made my day!