
Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Halloween Costume Ideas

Good morning to you all! First off, I would like to say that I am so sorry to be missing in action. If you follow me on twitter, you will have found out that I am sick. Both my baby and hubby were sick and now, I am too. I have spent some time this weekend writing posts for you, but unfortunately I cannot share them with you, because my mac has been checked into the mac hospital. I have been struggling with it for a while, but this past weekend it just wouldn't charge anymore. So, I am borrowing my hubby's computer and am counting the hours until I will receive my mac baby back. But first, I would like to say a big welcome to my new followers. Welcome and thank you for joining me on my decorating adventures.

So, since Halloween is less than two weeks away, I figured I would share some diy Halloween costumes with you today. Last year my hubby and I made our little munchkin a spider costume. He was so cute and I loved seeing him crawl all over the house with his extra 'legs'. Here is a picture of it from the Martha Stewart website (my picture is in quarantine).
Martha Stewart

Here are a couple more of my favorite diy Halloween costumes.
Martha Stewart
How cute are these little sheep? So so adorable.

Martha Stewart
How amazing is this little dragon costume? And what better costume idea for an older brother than a knight? 

What will my munchkin be dressed as, you ask? Well, he will be a super cute and super scary monster. He loves his little suit and wants to wear it every day. I hope to make him a diy costume soon, as soon as I get better.
What do you think? Scary cute, right? I think my husband wants to take my son out just so the big kid can get the candy.  Will you be making your little or big one a Halloween costume or will you be buying one?

Have a great day everyone!


  1. You and your baby spider are just adorable! I'm in Australia, and we don't really do the halloween thing, but it's interesting to see all the costumes and fun that those who do participate come up with.
    Loving your blog, I'll explore a bit more later - found you via BYW!

  2. Hi Kathryn, Thank you so much for stopping by. I think Halloween is so much fun and coming up with a costume is always lots of fun. Sorry to disappoint, but the picture is not of me and my baby. Thanks again for stopping by and isn't class great.


Thank you so much for your comments! You've made my day!