
Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Class Time

When I started my blog, I didn't think about all the elements of blogging. Now, a year in the blogging world, I would say that one important element is taking beautiful photographs. I love taking pictures, but my pictures are not beautiful or even eye-catching. Adding to the problems, our apartment is the darkest apartment in creation! I have been meaning to take a photography class for a while, so when I heard about the Souvenir Foto School, I decided to look into it. When the next class opened, I signed up. I really hope to improve my photography skills and learn a few tricks. So, I have decided that each week I would share the pictures that I shot with you.

The class that I signed up for is held by Besotted Brand. Hope you enjoyed the post and the pictures. 

Have a great day!
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  1. Lovely photos. I love the two things you chose to photograph together, and I love the different focuses.

    1. Thanks so much Dana. I am so glad you like them. I have so much to learn and need to practice too. It is a lot of fun though.

  2. THe photos look great so far. I'm sure you will learn so much from the course - good for you for pursuing it.

  3. LOVE IT!!!

    do you want to follow me ??


  4. beautiful photos - you are talented :) I need one of those classes, at least I've figured out how to turn off the flash!

  5. Its been a year for you? Congrats! Have fun in the class, I would LOVE to learn how to use my SLR better. I hear you about darkness - I have rooms in the house that are north facing and hard to photograph!


Thank you so much for your comments! You've made my day!