
Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Our Weekend

Good morning! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend. We had an awesome weekend, and we really spent some quality time together. I guess that is the most important thing. Here are a few pictures of what we did this weekend.

At the mall, we visited some very cool animals. My son got a little over excited when the animals came really close to him hoping to be fed. In the end, he fed two animals and was overjoyed.

We had done a good job of limiting the amount of sweets for my son up to now, but we dropped the restrictions this weekend and allowed my son to eat chocolate. Naturally, he had to play with each and every bunny (chocolate or decorative) in the house. 
We even managed a quick trip to the mall for a child's train ride. Woohoo! (That was my husband making noise in the caboose.) If you didn't know, my son is a big fan of Thomas the Tank Engine and trains in general.  Easter + kids = Fun!

I also came across a couple of great furniture stores this weekend, which are now on my must visit on a regular basis list. So many beautiful things and so much inspiration. 

I also managed to do a couple of little projects. One finished and hopefully I will get to finish my watercolor painting tomorrow. Practicing drawing the bee.

And last, but not least, my hubs made me one of my favorite brunch recipes, Lemon Brioche French Toast. It was delicious, and with some mimosas, it made for a perfect brunch. I really loved the pink place mat and napkin, when I saw them at Ikea, but they looked even better on our new freshly painted white kitchen table. 

I hope you liked my pictures. I am currently on a huge 'cleaning and tidying up' mission at our place, since I feel paperwork is taking over my life. I am looking to clean my craft area this week as well, but one step at a time. 

Have a great week ahead!
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1 comment:

  1. My two-year-old grandson is a big Thomas fan too. Sounds like you all had a great weekend.


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