Monday 1 August 2011

Giveaway Winners!

Sorry for the late post. My baby hasn't been himself all day and did not really sleep, so everything has been off today.

Yesterday was the last day for my giveaway and here we are. Congratulations to you guys!

The winners are Heather from Inspire Me Heather. 

And Mel

              Congratulations to Mel and Heather!

                Hope you guys will enjoy the goodies and I would love to hear about what you actually bought with the gift cards!


  1. Really? OMG, I'm so excited! Thank you so much. Look out HomeSense, here comes Mel.

    I will definitely let you know what I get. If I can't find the perfect light fixture, I'm sure they have 3 million other things I'll like :)

    Sorry to hear about the babes not feeling well.

    btw, since I am Canadian, I won't be able to use the Target gift card. And Heather is Canadian too! What are the chances of that!!!

  2. Oh WOW thank you Beatrice - this is way too cool!!! You really made my day!


Thank you so much for your comments! You've made my day!


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