Monday 18 July 2011

Whoomp, Here it is! The Guest Room!

Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend and enjoyed yourselves. When I was thinking what to name this post, I knew this title was perfect. Do you know the song? Well, I modified it and voila. Whoomp, here it is!

This room took longer than I had hoped, because with a little toddler to run after everything takes longer than anticipated. I am quite happy with how it turned out and I hope you like it too. A little info for you, my friend did not like the room and liked it better before.

In case you missed my continuing guest room story, here is a little recap. A couple of months ago, I went to housesit for a friend and he asked me to frame a picture and have a look at his guest room. Well, I gave it a makeover and here is the final product.

It all started with this picture, the Great Wave by Hokusai, that I wrote about here. To frame it, I chose a very simple white Ribba frame from Ikea but I chose the print as my color inspiration. I chose a natural paint color for the walls and decided to add colored accessories around the room. You can read all about my paint color decision making, here. I absolutely love the color and am now thinking about repainting our bedroom. You can read more about the paint color reveal here. Here is a picture of the print framed in the room with the new paint color.
Up next was the bed. Since I chose the natural beige paint color for the walls, I knew I wanted the headboard to be a navy blue color. I also knew that I would have a lot of trouble finding an upholstered blue headboard, so I knew we had to make one. Since, we had already tackled one diy upholstered headboard, the Colette Headboard from Crate and Barrel, I figured we could give this a shot. I will post the details of the bed tomorrow.
And who can forget those great Dwell Studio pillows. I love the pattern and the crisp, dark navy on the white pillows. 
What was next? Well, I had a big large empty wall to cover. I did not know what to cover it with. I thought that maybe if I tried my hand at some diy juju hats, that Rosa over at flutterflutter created, would look nice. I figured making three different sizes would look quite nice over the headboard. Well, I tried and I failed. Well, not entirely, but I was not so happy with how it looked. So, next on the agenda was a sunburst mirror. I decided to create the one that Centsational Girl had created out of paint sticks. I was working on a budget so, I figured free paint sticks would help keep me on track. I chose to make it in white and absolutely love it.
I like how it blends with the paint color at times and at others, it is this bright large sunburst mirror that stands out and shines. 

I also shared my makeover night tables with you here. They look so much better now and I am so happy that I did not buy the $99 look alikes from Ikea.
And the last thing are the lamps. I shared my sad, but great find with you a while ago. Well, my mother found the lamps and bought them for my friend's room, since she knew I was looking for them. I love them and I think they go very nicely with the room. You might also notice that there still is cellophane around the lampshade, because I wasn't sure if he was going to like it. The night tables are a little small for the size of the lamp and I wasn't sure if he would like them.
This is my friend's new guest room, with a makeover by me. I think it looks fresh, clean and I had so much fun redecorating it.

Here are some more pictures of the room.

I am still getting used to the ins and out of blogging, and getting used to snapping pictures. So, I apologize for the following picture. I forgot to take a before picture of the room and I remembered only when I was half way through painting and my camera died and the iphone was my only tool. Here is a before picture of the room.

And here is the room now. I hope you like it and I will share the run down of the cost with you tomorrow. 
This week, I will be sharing the diy tutorial for the headboard and some more fun and easy projects. Hope you enjoyed the post and the room. Hopefully it was worth the wait. 



  1. I love the way it came out! I must know the details on how you made the headboard! It looks awesome! I love Navy and White, so crisp, clean and classic!

  2. The result is peaceful and serene. Good work!

  3. Rebecca, thank you so much. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out, but I think it looks quite nice. I wouldn't mind staying there myself.

    Anonymous- Thank you so much again. I was going for a peaceful and relaxing room and I am so glad you find it as well. Thanks for dropping me a line. I love comments.

  4. I love the color of the wall.Looks very nice as a background for a navy headboard.What color is that?

  5. Too bad your friend didn't like it. It turned out fabulous B! love the pillows, headboard and the lamps are amazing!


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